..And a hug around the neck

I've started a movement in my house to step away from convenience food, fast food, processed food and bring the food that goes into my family back to the beginning of where it should be prepared: in my kitchen. It isn't always easy- especially in this rush rush world- but I can control what goes into the food, which keeps my family healthier. I share my recipes with you, so that you, too, can benefit from what I've learned.

Herbal Syrup Tutorial

What is an herbal syrup?
 Syrups are sweet forms of delivering condensed herbal medicines such as vinegars and infusions through a more tolerated medium.

What you will need?
a non-reactive pot
a spoon
a spatula
a glass jar for storage
local, raw, unfiltered honey
A quantity of herbal tinctures
A quantity of herbal infusions and/or decoctions
fresh herbs (optional)  
Simmer 2 ounces of herb in 1 quart of water over low heat until the mixture reduces down to 1 pint of liquid. Strain the herbs from the liquid, and place the liquid back into the pot.

Add one cup of sweetener (honey, agave nectar, maple syrup, sugar, stevia) and warm over low heat until the sweetener and herbal liquid are completely mixed (If using raw honey, be careful not to simmer or boil the syrup, as this will destroy some of the beneficial properties of the honey).  In order to better preserve your syrup, 2 pints of honey may be used in place of the one cup of honey.

At this point, you may add a flavoring extract or fruit concentrate if you wish to flavor it such as lemon, brandy, etc.

Remove from heat, bottle (preferably in amber glass bottles), and place in refrigerator.  The herbal syrup will las from weeks to months depending on what was added if it remains refrigerated.

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