..And a hug around the neck

I've started a movement in my house to step away from convenience food, fast food, processed food and bring the food that goes into my family back to the beginning of where it should be prepared: in my kitchen. It isn't always easy- especially in this rush rush world- but I can control what goes into the food, which keeps my family healthier. I share my recipes with you, so that you, too, can benefit from what I've learned.


Dandelion Wine

I'm sure at some point I'll have an excuse to make this. Maybe for a holiday gift  or a theme party. It sounds too pretty to not give it a try.

10 to 12 cups dandelions (Flowers only not treated with pesticides)
1 cup honey
2 ½ lbs sugar
1 orange rind, chopped
1 lemon rind, chopped
1 gallon Water
2 tablespoon fresh, chopped ginger
5 whole cloves
1 package yeast
1 cup orange juice
1/2 cup Lemon juice

Combine dandelion flowers, honey, sugar, orange rind, and lemon rind in a large pot. Boil water in a separate container and pour over flower mixture. Bring back to a simmer for 30 minutes. Cool to room temperature. Add prepared yeast (Follow manufacturer's directions for proofing yeast before adding it.) Add orange juice, lemon juice, and spices.

Cover in a non-reactive container (like ceramic, glass, or enamel) and set aside for a month in a dark place to ferment. Strain and decant into sterilized jars. Seal. Let wine season for three months or so in a cool, dark place before serving.

Note: If you want to accumulate 12 cups of dandelions, try harvesting them a little at a time and freezing them until you have enough.

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