..And a hug around the neck

I've started a movement in my house to step away from convenience food, fast food, processed food and bring the food that goes into my family back to the beginning of where it should be prepared: in my kitchen. It isn't always easy- especially in this rush rush world- but I can control what goes into the food, which keeps my family healthier. I share my recipes with you, so that you, too, can benefit from what I've learned.


Creamed Spinach

I love creamed spinach. If made right it's a heavenly kind of creamy that just makes me happy. It's especially good if you feel drained and need a dose of iron pick me up. Gluten free adjustments are in purple.

3 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons flour or 3 tablespoons or arrowroot powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup half-and-half or milk
1/2 cup sour cream (lowfat is okay)
2 tablespoons butter
2-4 tablespoons onions, minced
1/4 cup water
20 ounces frozen spinach, drained and chopped
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
Pinch cayenne

In a saucepan melt butter over medium heat until sizzling. Whisk in the flour, cayenne and 1/2 tsp salt until creamed together and smooth. Stir in the half and half, or milk (if using) a little at a time. Increase heat to medium and constantly whisk until the mixture becomes thick and smooth. Remove from heat; set aside.

Place 2 tbsp butter in saucepan over med heat; add the 2 tbsp minced onion, and cook until transparent. Add spinach and water to pan, lower the heat, and cover.

Stirring several times until the spinach is cooked. When the spinach is almost done, add the prepared white sauce, sour cream and Parmesan cheese. Stir well, and simmer until completely blended. Season with more seasoned salt or white salt if desired and black pepper.

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