..And a hug around the neck

I've started a movement in my house to step away from convenience food, fast food, processed food and bring the food that goes into my family back to the beginning of where it should be prepared: in my kitchen. It isn't always easy- especially in this rush rush world- but I can control what goes into the food, which keeps my family healthier. I share my recipes with you, so that you, too, can benefit from what I've learned.


Ricotta Cheese

Making cheese at home is actually pretty easy if you're making 'farmer' style cheeses, which are not aged. They don't keep long, so use within five days after making.

3 cups whole milk  
1 cup heavy whipping cream
3 tbsp white vinegar   

Bring milk and cream to a simmer (180°F) in a sauce pan over medium heat until curdles form. Stir often to prevent sticking to the bottom of the pan; and watch carefully to prevent boiling over. Once curdles form, remove from heat and add vinegar; stir; and allow to rest for about 5 minutes. (If you allow it to rest for long periods it will become rubbery.)

Line a colander or mesh strainer with 2 to 3 layers of cheesecloth moistened with water. Pour the milk/cream mixture into the strainer and allow to drain until it reaches your desired consistency. (Some like it wet, while others like it drier. It depends upon its use.) You can always drain it more later, if needed. Oil a container for storing; add cheese; and compress into the container. Use immediately or refrigerate for up to 5 days. Do not freeze solo.

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