..And a hug around the neck

I've started a movement in my house to step away from convenience food, fast food, processed food and bring the food that goes into my family back to the beginning of where it should be prepared: in my kitchen. It isn't always easy- especially in this rush rush world- but I can control what goes into the food, which keeps my family healthier. I share my recipes with you, so that you, too, can benefit from what I've learned.


Immune Support Syrup

I wish that I still had the original article that I pulled this from so I could cite it. It has been so very helpful in keeping my butt active and on the go.

3 cups cold water
 ½ cup organic Elderberries
 ½ cup organic Hawthorn berries
 ¼ cup organic Rosehips
 1 organic cinnamon stick
 ¾ to 1 cup raw local honey
 1.5 ounces brandy or Skullcap tincture (optional preservative)

Combine herbs with cold water in a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and allow herbs to simmer for 30 to 40 minutes. Remove from heat and mash the berries in the liquid mixture. Strain the herbs through cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Measure the liquid and add an equal amount of honey. Gently heat the honey and juice for a few minutes until well combined, but do not boil! Stir in brandy or tincture if you’d like and pour the finished syrup into sterilized glass bottles. Label and keep refrigerated for up to 6 months.Take a teaspoon or two daily to support your heart and immune system during times of duress.

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